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I can't resubscribe - yes there's so much irony

Discussion in 'EverQuest II General Discussion' started by Zhaanish, Mar 9, 2025 at 10:27 AM.

  1. Zhaanish

    Zhaanish Active Member

    I quit EQ2 in 2018. By quitting I mean not only stopping my sub but also uninstalling and not playing at all. My husband recently decided to start playing again so I thought I would also. He was able to sub for 3 months no problem I get an error every time I try on multiple browsers and devices. It appears tied to my account. I can't even GIVE them money. This happened on Saturday, put in support ticket, got a generic response that they don't have support on the weekends...

    Posted on the message board, still waiting on a moderator to approve my post...

    None of this really makes me want to go back. If it weren't for my husband I'd just walk away. It's hard to believe they are still in business.

    Conversely I have a lifetime sub to LOTRO also managed/run by Daybreak. None of these issues over there. Things run smoothly, message board is normal, etc. I don't get it.
  2. Tkia

    Tkia Active Member

    Yes, there's been all kinds of sub issues since they did the recent backend maintneance and introduced the strpid perks. I'd follow up on your ticket today. Posts over the years suggest if you don't follow up on the generic emails they tend to let the ticket vanish into the ether. Though I should warn you CS has become pretty useless the last few years. They like to redirect everybody to the bug forum regardless of whether the issue has anything to do with game issues or anything that the game devs reading the board have anything to do with.

    I suspect DBG have little to do with the backend systems beyond paying a third party to handle it. And as LOTRO came from elsewhere I suspect it uses a different backend company to the old SOE franchises.
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  3. Zhaanish

    Zhaanish Active Member

    It's finally working today. Support did get back to me with useless suggestions. It just magically starting working today. /shrug
    I hope I don't regret subbing... I figured I'd throw 3 months at it.

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