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Can't pull a character based on dbid

Discussion in 'Census: General Discussion' started by lokiracer, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. lokiracer

    lokiracer Guest

    I know there are other ways to gather this info, but figured I would mention that the following method does not work.

    1. request a guild: [url="census.daybreakgames.com/xml/get/eq2/guild/3681606655">census.daybreakgames.com/xml/get/eq2/guild/3681606655[/url]
    2. take those character dbid and request it:  [url="census.daybreakgames.com/xml/get/eq2/character/?dbid=1180325&c:show=name&c:limit=1">census.daybreakgames.com/xml/get/eq2/cha...=name&c:limit=1[/url]
    Throws a 504 error.

    A method that does work is: [url="census.daybreakgames.com/xml/get/eq2/character/?guild.guildid=8337&c:show=name&c:limit=1">census.daybreakgames.com/xml/get/eq2/cha...=name&c:limit=1[/url]

  2. Dethdlr

    Dethdlr Guest

  3. DanKinney

    DanKinney Guest

    The forums software likes to truncate URLs.  I try to "hide" the URL by leaving off the http:// part.  To use a posted link, make sure you select "Copy Link" from the right-mouse context menu.

    The dbid value is not unique across all servers.  If you want to look up based on it, you should use dbid+worldid, such as...


    ...or you can use the resolve that Dethdlr mentioned (which does this for you).


  4. Dethdlr

    Dethdlr Guest

    Actually, I did that.  What I found funny this time was that it not only truncated it, but it apparently didn't like what it truncated it into.  Basically, it took this:


    and replaced "type.cl" with ...  That resulted in class without the cl.  It then replaced that with [Removed for Content].  :)

  5. DanKinney

    DanKinney Guest

    Hmmm.  That's awesome (not).

    I also think that putting it into a different font seems to help (I use Courier New at font size 3).  It's all mysterious though.


  6. feldon30

    feldon30 Guest

    If you listen carefully, you can hear the forum software creaking. ;)

  7. Dethdlr

    Dethdlr Guest

    Actually, I believe you can hear that while wearing ear plugs.   :)


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